Infection Control

Our Infection Control lead = Mrs Nicki Pursey - if you have any concerns about infection control at the surgery please contact Mrs Pursey via the email address below.

You can contact via the surgery email on

You can view our annual statement by clicking here.

The practice takes the area of infection control very seriously. We undertake an annual infection control audit as well as a sharps audit. This is undertaken by Mrs Pursey & the practice manager Mrs Copeman.    Currently we have no infection control issues to report. All members of the practice undertake annual training in Infection Control with clinical staff  undertaking level 2 and non clinical staff undertaking level 1. This is done via E Learning For Health which is an NHS recognised training platform.    Each clinical room has a cleaning schedule which displays what equipement needs to be cleaned along with the recomended guidance on appropriate cleaning materials to be used.  Along with this toilets used by patients are checked approximately 3 times a day to ensure they are in good working order and nothing needs to be cleaned up.  The practice recently undertook legionella testing this was not a requirememnt but we felt that in order to continue to protect our staff and visitors we should. The result was as expected to be negative.

Contact details for external organisations involved in Infection Control  South London Health Protection Team, Area 3A Nobel House 17 Smith Square  London SW1P 3HX 0344 326 2052